If you are reading this page, it’s probably because you received an email from Google Business Profile with the subject line “Your account has been restricted due to policy violations”.
Intriguing! Restricted how?! Policy violation?!
The email reads as follows:
“your profile has been put under restriction due to policy violation.
Business Profiles you manage will be suspended and you won’t be able to create or
claim other profiles
Learn more about our restriction policy“

Clicking on Learn more about our restriction policy will take you to the Google Business Profile help section: “Overview of Google Business Profile policies”:

Specifically, it opens the “Account restricted from Business Profile activity” section of the page.
It says in that if an owner user displays a pattern of violating Google Business Profile policies, they may have their Business Profile access restricted, aka, all Business Profiles associated with that user will be suspended!
If an owner’s account is restricted, all Business Profiles associated with that account will be suspended.
If you noticed, I changed the word merchant to owner user because any user account on the business profile that is an owner, even if they are a third party like a marketing agency, can affect the profile if they are suspended/restricted.
What to do when Your Profile Has Been Put Under Restriction Due To Policy Violation
The user must be reinstated, before you can request reinstatement of your business profile.
If the suspension happened on another Google product ( Google Ads, Google Maps, etc),you will need to resolve the suspension there first.
If the user was suspended on the Google Business Profile for making too many edits or creating new business profiles that Google deemed suspicious, you will need to go to the reinstatement form and indicate in the comments section that you wish to reinstate the “merchant account”.
If You Are Not Able To Reinstate The User Account Or Get Help
Unfortunately, Google Support cannot help you reinstate your suspended business listing because Google is afraid of inadvertently helping spammers. But I can help you!
Just visit my reinstatement service page»
To learn the latest about Google Business Profile (Google My Business), you should check these articles:
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